Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Effects Of Globalisation In My Life

Globalisation, as described in Wikipedia in literal sense, is the process of globalizing or transformation of some things or phenomena into global ones. It can be described as a process by which the people of the world are unified into a single society and function together. Globalisation affects our lives in many ways, such as financial, transportation, economic, industrial and many more.

The effect of all this in my life has been quite a lot. Coming from Taiwan I have seen how the country has been changing at a rapid rate. From a small age I have seen small factories changed into bigger ones and producing more and more for other countries needs. I have also seen the air we breathe getting dirtier and dirtier. This means pollution; air pollution. In my country it is very hard to see blue sky now. Because of mass production and air pollution the clouds alway stay grey or black.

People around me are becoming more adapted to other cultures and it is no longer the same as before. Globalisation has not only changed my traditional way of living but also the way my friends and me communicate with each other. We seem to be using more of our second language, which is English, in communication rather than Chinese and also it seems that we are travelling more. Before it was only studies in your home country but now we study in other countries to learn the language and culture and be more adaptable. This means that globalisation is changing our way of life each day but you only really realize it when you sit and think about it.

I would like to stop here but if you need more information on globalisation visit this webpage:

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