Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Class Report

This report shows some future plan by my classmate. Most of them come from China (Eric, Richard, Yan, Lucy, Rainbow, Rhosiyn, and Jing). I come from Taiwan, Jeab comes from Thailand, Cho comes from Korea, and Lesina comes from Samoa. In our class, there are 3 people who are already married and also have children, (Lina, Rhoslyn, and Lucy). Our classmates have future plan, which I wish that they do well in their future.

First I will tell you about my future plan before discussing other classmates. I want to finish my studies in this year, and I go back to Taiwan to help my dad’s business. Eric who is working part time after school, and he is going to learn computing at Unitec after diploma in English level 2, because he think that it would be a lot of challenge for him. Rainbow has been New Zealand for 18 months, and in her future plan, she will study Bachelor Business at Unitec, also she has plans with her boyfriend to go Samoa for their next holiday.

Jeab has been in New Zealand around 3 years, she has graduated with MBA at GSC Burapha University in Thailand, and her future plan, is thinking about studying for a Certificate in Language Teaching next Semester. Cho has been in New Zealand for about 1 year, he wants to be a builder. He had work in New Zealand Construction Company for 1 month. Richard is the youngest in our class, and he is going to study Bachelor Accounting at Unitec, if he passes this semester, after that, he has no idea for his future.

Yan has graduated with a Bachelor degree in International trade in Beijing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics, and she has worked in Beijing for 1 year. She has studied in New Zealand for 10 months to improve her English, and in her future she wants have her own Business. Lesina has been living New Zealand for 12 years, and wants to complete a Diploma and Bachelor in Business management, because she want to be a manager or in Human Resource management. Jing’s future plans are to get a Bachelor of Commerce in Auckland and go to the USA for a Masters Degree.

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